What is it?
Orthodontics is odontological’s field in charge of solving teeth misplace and incorrect facial bones growth.
We always advise to get in hands of good professionals, because there are some cases where orthodontics results where aesthetic result seems correct but the hide a bad bite or some other problems caused by a poor treatment
What do we get with orthodontics?
We correct teeth position and in addition of an excellent smile, we prevent process like cavities, pyorrhea, breathing and chewing disorders to develop. In other words, we not only achieve an aesthetics aim, but also prevent future diseases.
Kids’ orthodontics
Most suitable age to attend a specialist is at 7 years old. At that age, we could detect not only dental problems but also facial bone growth problems.
Come to Colina Clinic if your child has crooked teeth, if mouth doesn’t close, teeth don’t fit, if you hear snoring, if he or she bites things, sucks his or her thumb or you notice a narrow palate.